Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Inspiration: It's all around us

So I have been feeling pretty down lately and allowing myself to fall back into that easy trap of feeling sorry for myself.  I mean, why get out and do something good for myself when I can sit at home eating junk food and crying in front of my tv, right?  I was just sitting and wallowing in my self-pity, but then something inside of me was like, WTF Carrie?  I realized that if I  need inspiration to get my butt in gear and do something with my life, all I need to do is look around.  There are so many inspiring things all around me that I take for granted every day.  Just this morning I saw a double rainbow while I was driving in to work.  It was so beautiful and majestic.  I didn't want to take my eyes off of it (which isn't very good since I was driving lol), but the feeling of happiness that came over me when I saw it was just too good to pass up.  I started to think about the other good things that have happened recently to give me inspiration.
To start things off, my sister Rhonda recently discovered that she was gluten intolerant.  After years of suffering from what she thought was sensitive skin and lactose intolerance, she discovered that it was actually gluten that was the root of all her problems.  She had to make some pretty hefty food changes but she is now heathier and happier than she has been in a really long time.  I am so happy for her.  How inspiring is that??
Another inspiring aspect to my life are all the fresh new babies that are coming in.  My best friend Amy had a handsome baby boy last month, my cousin Nicole just had a beautiful baby boy 2 weeks ago and my niece Chantel is over due with her little boy whom she will have any day now!  Not to mention my other best friend Gina is due with her little girl next month and my other niece Crystal will be having her (hopefully girl) baby next October.  That is babies coming out the wazoo!!  If that can't provide me with some joy and inspiration then I don't know what can!
To keep with the baby theme, a friend of mine just recently found out that she will be picking up her adorable little baby girl from Ethiopia this May.  Her adoption process has been long and full of tears but it is finally coming to an end.  When she told me that she would be going to pick up her baby, I cried tears of joy.  The feeling I had in that moment was so overwhelming.  I cried the whole way home.  Her joy is contagious and it is a great reminder that life, although sometimes hard and painful, can also be so breathtakingly beautiful.
Now I need to take the steps to change my life. I just re-joined a gym.  That is my first step.  Now all I need to do is harness some of this inspiration and take the first steps towards changing my own life.  When I feel like I want to give up I will simply look around me.  The inspiration I need is all around me and maybe my actions will be the inspiration in someone else's day.  Peace :D