Monday, June 3, 2013

Apartment woes bringing me down

Wow how things have changed since my last blog posting.  I was finally able to move after being delayed by my landlord for 5 days.  She wanted to make sure the place was clean and all the repairs were made and the previous tenant wasn't going to leave until May 1st.  I thought this was really considerate of her and so I agreed to wait the extra days to move in.  I should have seen that small gesture for what it really was...a bad omen.  I was so happy that I decided to not see the negative in things anymore and because of this I was blindsided.  I finally moved in and began to prepare to start my new job.  My landlord's father assured me that he would be returning that first week to finish making the repairs to my apartment because they had not been completed during those 5 extra days that they took.  After moving in I discovered that they actually hadn't made any repairs and from what I can tell the place was never cleaned either.  That's fine.  I really liked this apartment so I was willing to overlook these minor details.  And besides, her father assured me he would be back to fix everything.  He told me that there was a new battery in the smoke detector and all was good.  The first night I was there I was kept up all night by a beeping smoke detector which signaled a dead battery.  Once again I should have seen this as a bad omen.  I mean, why go out of your way to tell me that there was a new battery in the detector when you know damn well it is an old battery??  I went out the next day and bought a new battery and thought that my problems were solved.  Not more than 4 days after I moved in to the apartment my landlord texted me to tell me that "due to circumstances she was going to have to put the house up for sale".  As if she has just discovered this fact.  There was a for sale sign on the lawn before the day was over.  I call bullshit.  She knew before she rented me the apartment that she was going to sell the house.  I feel so betrayed.  Of course the father has not been back to make any repairs because, why bother right? 
So I started my new job 5 days after I moved in and it was really brutal.  I was so depressed with the new sleeping arrangements and I convinced myself that I hated my new job.  I was thinking about how I could quit and still survive.  I was told by many people to stick it out and it would get better.  I was pissed at all of them because how the hell do they know it will get better?  They were all right.  My job is amazing.  I love everything about it.  I am used to sleeping during the day now and I love my students.  But I still have this nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach...what could this be?  It is this apartment dragging me down.  I am trapped.  The realtor calls me at all times during the day even after being told multiple times that I work nights and need to sleep.  My landlord gave him my phone number without my permission and doesn't seem to care that he calls me whenever he feels like it.  He says he will send people during the times I am up and I waited up for them to arrive only to go to bed pissed off an hour and a half later than I should have when they didn't show up.  I am at my wits end. I am stressed to the max and I just want to be free of this place.  I was so excited to move into this place because I thought this apartment was killer but now I just hate it.  What is a girl supposed to do??